Curriculum Checklist
The doctorate is designed to produce practitioners, with an applied emphasis that distinguishes it from a doctor of philosophy degree. Initial candidates for the program will include educators with master’s degrees, who are preparing for school district leadership or high-level policy-making positions. The curriculum concentrates on four areas: research; educational leadership and management; instructional leadership; and specialization. Course work and dissertation research will total a minimum of 60 hours of study beyond the master’s degree. Courses will be offered in the fall, spring and summer.
Our EDFL programs offer a wide range of courses in addition to the required critical courses that you can take to complete your doctorate. This flexibility allows for students to explore more deeply their areas of interest, and expand the horizons of their educational landscape.
Customize your curriculum, and make sure you have it all! Follow your curriculum checklist to get all of your bases covered.
Below are all the courses you must take, and the electives you can choose from to complete your doctorate.
EDLD Graduate Course Offerings
Critical Courses
• EDLD 800 - Introduction to Research Design in Educational Leadership
Prepares students for the dissertation. Discusses quantitative and qualitative methodologies in applied research. Same as EDF 800 at Southeastern.
• EDLD 801 - Writing for Research in Educational Leadership
Course is designed to prepare the doctoral student for the conduct of scholarly inquiry and writing. Topics include refining writing style, avoiding plagiarism, adhering to APA style, conducting literature reviews, and critiquing. It is expected that students will have knowledge of and skills in the use of computer applications, research and statistics, and information literacy. Same as EDF 801 at Southeastern.
• EDLD 802 - Quantitative Methods in Educational Leadership
Introduces advanced statistical techniques commonly used in educational research, parametric and non-parametric analysis through the use of statistical analysis software. Same as EDF 802 at Southeastern. Prerequisite EDFL 571 - basic stats course required.
• EDLD 803 - Qualitative Methods in Educational Leadership
Future trends, issues and problems in academic educational systems, understanding and developing a qualitative research design, identifying problems and solutions and developing relevant theory in qualitative research. Same as EDF 803 at Southeastern.
• EDLD 810 - Leadership Theory and Practice
Knowledge of past models of leadership is linked with an analysis of the complexities of contemporary schools, and the skills required to assume the role and responsibilities of the administrator in restructured school environments. Emphasis is placed on skills involving articulation of organizational mission, collegial engagement and consensus building, implementing and sustaining the change process and total quality management.
• EDLD 880 - Research Practicum in Educational Leadership
Data collection, analysis and interpretation to meet student-specific needs. Same as EDL 880 at Southeastern.
• EDLD 900 - Doctoral Dissertation Seminar I
Proposal and dissertation writing. Grades S, U, W. Same as EDF 900 at Southeastern.
• EDLD 999 - Dissertation Research and Dissertation
Grades S, U, W. Same as EDF 990 at Southeastern.
• EDLD 500 - Vision, Leadership and School Culture
Crafting, articulating, implementing, and maintaining school vision and culture.
• EDLD 501 - Using Data to Effect Change
Collecting, analyzing, interpreting, and using data to guide school improvement.
• EDLD 502 - Legal, Regulatory, and Ethical Issues
Fundamental concepts of American school law and how to apply the law to read world school settings.
• EDLD 504 - Using Research to Lead Change
Role of research in guiding school improvement.
• EDLD 505 - Curriculum for Education Leaders
Framework for investigating issues and trends related to curriculum development.
• EDLD 506 - Assessment and Instruction for Educational Leaders
Identification of best practices in assessment and instruction and then use that information to make evaluative judgments.
• EDLD 507 - Internship
Field-based leadership experience in an educational setting.
• EDLD 508 - Systems Alignment
Identification, analysis, and application of the various systems and processes that align a school’s program with its mission and that of the school system.
• EDLD 509 - Change, Transition, and Evaluation
Application of techniques for effective evaluation of educational programs.
• EDLD 510 - Organizing the Learning Environment
Knowledge and skills necessary to secure needed resources from a variety of sources to prioritize work, and to understand the use of technology to increase student achievement and build focused and sustained staff development.
• EDLD 511 - Community Engagement
Skills to analyze and interpret various models of school-community organizational frameworks.
• EDLD 512 - Capstone Internship
Project that will be presented to the candidate’s committee.
Rstr: Open only to educational leadership students in the semester of graduation.
• EDLD 598 - Special Topics in Educational Leadership
Content varies. Alternate subtitles will appear on students’ transcripts.
Rstr: Permission of instructor required.
• EDLD 700 - Administration in the Non-Public Sector
Overview of theories and good practice principles related to school administration and management across the full range of management tasks that exist in a non-public setting.
• EDLD 705 - Educational Philosophy and Ethos
Survey of traditions of educational philosophy including a focus on specific obligations inherent in non-public school missions.
• EDLD 710 - Financial Management
Non-public school processes and responsibilities including budget building, financial management, reading non-profit financial statements, financial planning, and non-traditional financing.
• EDLD 715 - Curriculum Design and Evaluation
Private sector mission/Program/Curriculum critical alignment with an emphasis on assessment of curricular, student, faculty and institutional performance.
• EDLD 720 - Educational Law in the Non-Public Sector
Legal structures and needs of non-public schools. Contract labor, tort liability and civil rights.
• EDLD 811 - Educational Management
Course is designed to examine the role of superintendents and central office directors in emerging social, economic and political contexts that are changing the nature of schooling, altering how schools are viewed, and are transforming how they lead. A broad range of issues that are critical to the success of new superintendents and issues that affect relationships and impact districts will be explored. Particular attention will be paid to issues of leadership in diverse organizations. Same as EDL 811 at Southeastern.
• EDLD 812 - Supervision in Educational Settings
Course will include advanced definitions and determinations of staffing needs, supervision, and management and coordination problems. Also to be addressed are policies for recruitment, selection, assignment, salary planning, scheduling, promotion, separation, grievances, reassignment, records, development programs, in-service training, evaluation, benefits and services. Same as EDL 812 at Southeastern.
• EDLD 820 - Legal Issues and Ethics in Educational Organizations
Studies of federal and state constitutions, legislation, regulatory guidelines and court decisions related to the operation of educational organizations such as contractual requirements, church-state relationships, education of special needs students, student and parental rights, tort liability, ethics and morality. Same as EDL 820 at Southeastern.
• EDLD 821 - Politics and Community Relations
Administrative factors in developing community involvement in public schools and individual communication. Uses social science theory for educational policy-making. Same as EDL 821 at Southeastern.
• EDLD 822 - Policy Development and Analysis
Understanding the process by which educational policy is formulated, analyzed, implemented, and evaluated. Same as EDL 822 at Southeastern.
• EDLD 823 - Fiduciary Management of Educational Organizations
Study of the principles of taxation, local, state and federal financing of education and equalization of educational opportunity. Special emphasis given to the complete budget making process at the district level and a detailed study of school business management at the local school level. Sound accounting procedures reviewed and additional topics will include introduction to purchasing, transportation, food service operations and other business-related tasks and functions. Same as EDL 823 at Southeastern.
• EDLD 830 - Foundations of Curriculum Theory and Design
Investigation of curriculum theory with emphasis on the various approaches to curriculum design and development and other factors that impact curriculum. Same as EDL 830 at Southeastern.
• EDLD 831 - Critical Analysis of Current Research On Effective Educational Practice
Course will focus on recent research on best practices of leadership for empowering teachers, creating communities of continuous learning, and increasing student achievement. The students will hone their critical thinking skills through analysis, synthesis and evaluation of research reporting. Same as EDL 831 at Southeastern.
• EDLD 832 - Educational Evaluation
Course is designed to provide students with the research and evaluation skills required to implement various program evaluation models. It is also intended to provide the skills necessary for effectively using the standards of the National Joint Committee on Standards for Program Evaluation as required by State certification guidelines. Same EDL 832 at Southeastern.
• EDLD 840 - Change Theory
Emphasizing the application or organizational development practices related to educational settings, this course is designed to focus on change theory and its implementation in schools. The course is designed to assist in the understanding of change by utilizing some of the concepts of Kurt Lewin, including field theory and action research. Course topics and instruction offer an examination of the fundamental concepts of change and behavioral analysis. Same as EDL 840 at Southeastern.
• EDLD 841 - Organizational Development for Learning Communities
Theories of leadership and organizational development, and strategies for creating communities of continuous learning. Same as EDL 841 at Southeastern.
• EDLD 842 - Culture, Climate and Change Leadership
Concepts needed for systemic changes in K-12 public education. Same as EDL 842 at Southeastern.
• EDLD 871 - Special Topics in Instructional Leadership
Subject matters vary. Same as EDL 871 at Southeastern.
• EDLD 875 - Special Topics in Educational Leadership and Management
Subject matters vary. Same as EDL 875 at Southeastern.
• EDLD 897 - Internship
Same as EDL 897 at Southeastern.