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Doctoral Program Graduates

  • Bagwell, T. (2009). The impact of interdisciplinary teaming on the collective and self-efficacy levels of middle school teachers: A mixed methods analysis.  (Dianne F. Olivier, Chair)
  • Boudreaux, N. (2009). A mixed methodological study of factors contributing to student persistence and their impact on student attrition in foreign language
  • immersion programs. (Dianne F. Olivier, Chair)
  • Broussard, J. (2009). Factors limiting opportunity for aspiring first-generation college students and the impact of school counselor interventions on increased college opportunity. (Dianne F. Olivier, Chair)
  • Antoine, S. (2010). New teacher induction programs and their impact on teacher intent to stay in the teaching profession and job satisfaction. (Robert O. Slater, Chair)
  • Cain, J. (2010). A critical analysis of teachers’ perceptions of relevant factors in mathematics professional development.  (Peter Shepherd & Mitzi Trahan, Co-chairs)
  • Gray, J. (2010). Establishing a culture of learning:  A mixed methodology exploration regarding the phases of change for professional learning communities and literacy strategies. (Dianne F. Olivier, Chair)
  • Lavergne, T. (2010). Does a classification of developmental delay lead to special education in subsequent evaluations? Using logistic regression analysis to predict evaluation outcomes.  (Donna Wadsworth, Chair)
  • Lewis, V. (2010). Teacher quality and teacher effectiveness: A mixed methods multiple case study of the No Child Left Behind Highly Qualified Teachers and teacher effectiveness.  (Dianne F. Olivier, Chair)
  • Menard, L. (2010). The changing life cycle of America’s youth: A test of Arnett’s Theory of Emerging Adulthood. (Robert O. Slater, Chair)
  • Fegenbush, F. (2011). Comprehensive anti-bullying programs and policies: Using student perceptions to explore the relationships between school-based proactive and reactive measures and acts of bullying on Louisiana high school campuses. (Dianne F. Olivier, Chair)
  • Lemoine, P. (2011). An examination of kindergarten through grade three retention and social promotion policies in pupil progression plans in Louisiana school districts. (Dianne F. Olivier, Chair)
  • Minckler, C. (2011). Teacher social capital: The development of a conceptual model and measurement framework with application to educational leadership and teacher efficacy.  (Dianne F. Olivier, Chair)
  • Cormier-Zenon, D. (2012). Can parental expectations compensate for the negative affects of low birth weight on academic achievement: A cross- sectional analysis of the national PEELS data. (Robert O. Slater, Chair)
  • Craig, A. (2012). A new model for school climate: Exploring predictive capability of school climate attributes and impact on school performance scores. (Dianne F. Olivier, Chair)
  • Dupre, S. (2012). Web-based training for technology skills acquisition: A mixed methodology study of teacher proficiency and participation. (Mitzi P. Trahan, Chair)
  • Voiron, Jr., L., (2012). Extended time for learning as an alternative to early grade retention. (Mitzi P. Trahan, Chair)
  • Beebe, L. (2013) A model of teacher retention: The interrelationships of job satisfaction, professional learning, and efficacy. (Dianne Olivier & Mitzi Trahan, Co-Chairs)
  • Davis, T. (2013) Differentiation of instruction in regular education elementary classes: An investigation of practitioners’ and educational leaders’ perceptions of differentiated instruction in meeting the needs of diverse learners. (Mitzi Trahan, Chair)
  • Godshall, L. (2013) Mixed methods study of the impact of small learning communities and the out-products of sense of community and professional learning communities on teacher retention. (Dianne F. Olivier, Chair)
  • Guerrini, J. (2013) A quantitative study of the relationship among the constructs of trust, professional learning communities, and capacity building within the high school structure. (Dianne F. Olivier, Chair)
  • Mire, C. (2013) An exploration of characteristics of two different generations of older workers: Do the Baby Boomers and Silent Generation workers pose different issues for organizational leadership? (Robert O. Slater, Chair)
  • Reed, M. (2013) Implementation of a non-collaborative school improvement plan:  Pre and post perceptions of the instructional staff. (Bill Rieck & Kathy Campbell, Co-Chairs)